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Upgrade 0.16.0 to 1.0

With the API now stable, deprecated features have been removed. Refer to the deprecation notices for upgrade guidance.

Removed wireup.DependencyContainer

The previous container was overly complex. It has been split into wireup.SyncContainer and wireup.AsyncContainer.

Use wireup.AsyncContainer if you need to create async dependencies, as it supports both sync and async resources.

Changes include:

  • Removed @container.register
    • Use @service on services or factories and specify the container during creation with wireup.create_sync_container or wireup.create_async_container.
  • Removed @container.abstract
    • Similar to above, use the @abstract decorator.
  • Removed @container.autowire
  • Removed container.has_type.
  • wireup.create_container is now wireup.create_sync_container and wireup.create_async_container.

Removed get_all, put methods of ParameterBag.

ParameterBag does not support mutations. Pass all parameters when creating the container.

Removed support for default values

Using foo: str = Inject(...) is no longer supported. Use annotated types instead: foo: Annotated[str, Inject(...)].

Removed ParameterEnum

ParameterEnum is removed. Use type definitions for parameters: AppNameParameter = Annotated[str, Inject(name="app_name")].

Removed Wire, wire

Replace Wire or wire with Inject.

Removed wireup.container global

The global wireup.container is removed. Create a container instance with wireup.create_sync_container or wireup.create_async_container.

Removed warmup_container

This utility function is removed. Create a container instance with wireup.create_sync_container or wireup.create_async_container.

Removed old integrations

wireup.integrations.flask_integration is replaced by wireup.integrations.flask. wireup.integrations.fastapi_integration is replaced by wireup.integrations.fastapi.

Removed initialize_container

This utility function is removed. Create a container instance with wireup.create_sync_container or wireup.create_async_container.

Removed register_all_in_module

This utility function is removed. Register services by passing service_modules to wireup.create_*_container.

Removed load_module

No direct replacement. Create a container instance with wireup.create_sync_container or wireup.create_async_container.

Removed FactoryDuplicateServiceRegistrationError

Use DuplicateServiceRegistrationError.

Removed ServiceLifetime enum in favor of literals

Replace ServiceLifetime.SINGLETON with "singleton" and ServiceLifetime.TRANSIENT with "transient".

Django Integration

The perform_wramup setting is removed.

Flask Integration

The import_flask_config setting is removed. Expose Flask config directly to create_sync_container. See Flask integration docs for details.

FastAPI Integration

The integration no longer automatically exposes fastapi.Request as a Wireup dependency. Pass wireup.integration.fastapi in your service modules when creating a container if needed.