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Service Lifetimes

Wireup manages how long service instances live through three different lifetimes: Singleton, Scoped, and Transient. Configure the lifetime using the lifetime parameter in the @service decorator.

Available Lifetimes

Singleton (Default)

One instance is created and shared across the entire application.

@service  # lifetime="singleton" is the default
class Database: ...

# Same instance everywhere
db1 = container.get(Database)
db2 = container.get(Database)
assert db1 is db2

Best for:

  • Stateful services.
  • Resource-intensive services.
  • Configuration holders.


One instance per scope, shared within that scope.

class RequestContext: ...

with container.enter_scope() as scope1, container.enter_scope() as scope2:
    # Same instance within scope
    ctx1 = scope1.get(RequestContext)
    ctx2 = scope1.get(RequestContext)
    assert ctx1 is ctx2

    # Different instance in different scope
    other = scope2.get(RequestContext)
    assert ctx1 is not other

Best for:

  • Request-specific services.
  • Per-operation state.
  • Database transactions.


Wireup integrations manage the scope lifecycle for you. A new scope is entered at the beginning of a request and exited at the end. This means that a scoped service will live for the duration of the request.

The Wireup @wireup.inject_from_container(container) decorator can also enter/exit a scope after the decorated function returns. Learn More.


New instance created on every request.

class MessageBuilder: ...

with container.enter_scope() as scope:
    # New instance every time
    builder1 = scope.get(MessageBuilder)
    builder2 = scope.get(MessageBuilder)
    assert builder1 is not builder2

Best for:

  • Stateless services.
  • Services that need fresh state.
  • Temporary resources.

Scope Required

Transient services must be resolved within a scope, even if they don't use scoped dependencies. This ensures proper cleanup of resources if the transient service itself or one of its dependencies needs to perform cleanup.

Lifetime Rules

  • Singletons can depend only on other singletons.
  • Scoped and transient services can depend on any lifetime.
  • Parameters can be injected into all lifetimes.

Choosing a Lifetime

  • Start with singleton unless you have a reason not to.
  • Use scoped for request-specific state.
  • Use transient for fresh instances or temporary resources.

Scoped services and decorated functions

Wireup lets you apply the container as a decorator. The provided integrations also decorate for you the routes/views where Wireup services are used.

For such cases, you don't need to do any scope management yourself and can simply ask for the scoped/transient services in the function's signature. The decorator can enter a scope and exit it once the function returns.