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Dependency injection for FastAPI is available in the wireup.integration.fastapi_integration module.


  • Inject dependencies in FastAPI routes.
    • Eliminates the need for @container.autowire.
  • Expose fastapi.Request as a wireup dependency.
    • Available as a TRANSIENT scoped dependency, your services can ask for a fastapi request object.
  • Can: Mix Wireup and FastAPI dependencies in routes.
  • Cannot: Use FastAPI dependencies in Wireup service objects.

Getting Started
app = FastAPI()

async def target(
    # Inject annotation tells wireup that this argument should be injected.
    # Inject() annotation is required otherwise fastapi will think it's a pydantic model.
    random_service: Annotated[RandomService, Inject()],
    is_debug: Annotated[bool, Inject(param="env.debug")],

    # This is a regular FastAPI dependency.
    lucky_number: Annotated[int, Depends(get_lucky_number)]
): ...

async def ws(websocket: WebSocket, greeter: Annotated[GreeterService, Inject()]):

# Initialize the integration.
# Must be called after all routers have been added.
# service_modules is a list of top-level modules with service registrations.
container = wireup.create_container(
wireup.integration.fastapi.setup(container, app)

Wireup integration performs injection only in fastapi routes. If you're not storing the container in a global variable, you can always get a reference to it wherever you have a fastapi application reference by using wireup.integration.fastapi.get_container.
from wireup.integration.fastapi import get_container

async def example_middleware(request: Request, call_next) -> Response:
    container = get_container(

    return await call_next(request)

In the same way, you can get a reference to it in a fastapi dependency.

from wireup.integration.fastapi import get_container

async def example_dependency(request: Request, other_dependency: Depends(...)):
    container = get_container(

FastAPI request

A key feature of the integration is to expose fastapi.Request and starlette.requests.Request objects in wireup.

Services depending on it should be transient, so that you get a fresh copy every time with the current request being processed.

class HttpAuthenticationService:
    def __init__(self, request: fastapi.Request) -> None: ...

def example_factory(request: fastapi.Request) -> ExampleService: ...


For general testing tips with Wireup refer to the test docs. With the FastAPI integration you can override dependencies in the container as follows.
from wireup.integration.fastapi import get_container

def test_override():
    class DummyGreeter(GreeterService):
        def greet(self, name: str) -> str:
            return f"Hi, {name}"

    with get_container(app).override.service(GreeterService, new=DummyGreeter()):
        res = self.client.get("/greet?name=Test")

See FastAPI integration tests for more examples.

Api Reference