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Django Integration

Wireup provides seamless integration with Django through the wireup.integration.django module, enabling dependency injection in Django applications.


  • Dependency injection in function-based and class-based views (sync and async).
  • Access to django.http.HttpRequest as an injectable dependency.
  • Django settings available as Wireup parameters.
  • Request-scoped container lifecycle management.

Initialize the integration

Add the following to your Django settings:
import os
from wireup.integration.django import WireupSettings

    # ...existing code...

    # ...existing code...

WIREUP = WireupSettings(
    service_modules=[""]  # Your service modules here

# Additional application settings

Inject Django settings

You can inject Django settings into your services:

from wireup import service, Inject
from typing import Annotated

class S3Manager:
    # Reference configuration by name
    def __init__(self, token: Annotated[str, Inject(param="S3_BUCKET_TOKEN")]) -> None: ...

    def upload(self, file: File) -> None: ...

You can also use Django settings in factory functions:

from wireup import service
from django.conf import settings

class GithubClient:
    def __init__(self, api_key: str) -> None: ...

def github_client_factory() -> GithubClient:
    return GithubClient(api_key=settings.GH_API_KEY)

Inject the current request

The integration exposes the current Django request as a scoped lifetime dependency, which can be injected into scoped or transient services:

from django.http import HttpRequest
from wireup import service

class AuthService:
    def __init__(self, request: HttpRequest) -> None:
        self.request = request

Inject dependencies in views

To inject dependencies in views, simply request them by their type:

from django.http import HttpRequest, HttpResponse
from import S3Manager
from wireup import Injected

def upload_file_view(
    request: HttpRequest, 
    s3_manager: Injected[S3Manager]
) -> HttpResponse:
    # Use the injected S3Manager instance
    return HttpResponse(...)

Class-based views are also supported. Specify dependencies in the class __init__ function.

For more examples, see the Wireup Django integration tests.

Accessing the container

Access the Wireup container using the provided functions:

from wireup.integration.django import get_app_container, get_request_container

# Get application-wide container
app_container = get_app_container()

# Get request-scoped container
request_container = get_request_container()


For general testing tips with Wireup refer to the test docs. With Django you can override dependencies in the container as follows:
from wireup.integration.django import get_app_container

def test_override():
    class DummyGreeter(GreeterService):
        def greet(self, name: str):
            return f"Hi, {name}"

    with get_app_container().override.service(GreeterService, new=DummyGreeter()):
        res = self.client.get("/greet?name=Test")
        assert res.status_code == 200

API Reference