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Factory functions

Typically getting the necessary dependencies is enough to construct an object. However, there are scenarios where you need to delegate service creation to a special function called a factory.

Use cases

  • Object construction needs additional logic or configuration.
  • Depending on the runtime environment or configuration, you may need to create different objects inheriting from the same base (See: Strategy Pattern) or configure them differently.
  • Inject a model/dto which represents the result of an action, such as the current authenticated user.
  • Inject a class from another library where it's not possible to add annotations.
  • Inject strings, ints and other built-in types.


In order for the container to inject these dependencies, you must decorate the factory with @service and register it with the container.

When the container needs to inject a dependency, it checks known factories to see if any of them can create it.

Good to know

Return type annotation of the factory is required as it denotes what will be built.


Generator Functions for Resource Management

When your service requires cleanup (like database connections or network resources), use generator functions:

def db_session_factory() -> Iterator[Session]:
    db = Session()
        yield db

Or with context managers:

def db_session_factory() -> Iterator[Session]:
    with contextlib.closing(Session()) as db:
        yield db

For async services:

async def client_session_factory() -> ClientSession:
    async with ClientSession() as sess:
        yield sess

Resource Cleanup

The container performs cleanup automatically when:

  • A context manager exits (container.enter_scope())
  • An injected function returns
  • A request completes (when using framework integrations)

Inject Models

Assume in the context of an application a class User exists and represents a user of the system. We can use a factory to inject a user model that represents the current authenticated user.

from wireup import service

# Create a distinct type for the authenticated user
AuthenticatedUser = NewType("AuthenticatedUser", User)

def get_current_user(auth_service: AuthService) -> AuthenticatedUser:
    return AuthenticatedUser(auth_service.get_current_user())

# Inject the authenticated user where needed
def get_user_logs(user: Injected[AuthenticatedUser]):
    # Use authenticated user

Implement strategy pattern

Assume a base class Notifier with implementations that define how the notification is sent (IMAP, POP, WebHooks, etc.) Given a user it is possible to instantiate the correct type of notifier based on user preferences.

from wireup import service

def get_user_notifier(
    user: AuthenticatedUser, 
    slack_notifier: SlackNotifier, 
    email_mailer: EmailNotifier
) -> Notifier:
    notifier = ...  # get notifier type from preferences.

    return notifier

When injecting Notifier the correct type will be injected based on the authenticated user's preferences.

Inject a third-party class

You can use factory functions to inject a class which you have not declared yourself and therefore cannot annotate. Let's take redis client as an example.

from wireup import service

def redis_factory(redis_url: Annotated[str, Inject(param="redis_url")]) -> Redis:
    return redis.from_url(redis_url)

Inject built-in types

If you want to inject resources which are just strings, ints, or other built-in types then you can use a factory in combination with NewType.
AuthenticatedUsername = NewType("AuthenticatedUsername", str)

def authenticated_username_factory(auth: SomeAuthService) -> AuthenticatedUsername:
    return AuthenticatedUsername(...)

This can now be injected as usual by annotating the dependency with the new type.