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Multiple registrations

Registering the same class multiple times is supported under different qualifiers through factories.

A use case for this would be to have multiple services connected to resources of the same underlying type, such as maintaining two database connections: a main and a read-only copy.


Assume an application with two databases: A main one and a read-only replica. In these scenarios, the main connection handles writes, and the read-only one will handle reads.

Service registration via factories
from typing import Annotated
from wireup import service, Inject

# Define a class that holds the base methods for interacting with the db.
class DatabaseService:
    def __init__(self, dsn: str) -> None:
        self.__connection = ...

    def query(self) -> ...:
        return self.__connection.query(...)

# Define a factory which creates and registers the service interacting with the main db.
# Register this directly without using a qualifier, this will be injected
# when services depend on DatabaseService.
def main_db_connection_factory(
    dsn: Annotated[str, Inject(param="APP_DB_DSN")]
) -> DatabaseService:
    return DatabaseService(dsn)

# This factory registers the function using the qualifier "readonly"
# and requests the parameter that corresponds to the read replica DSN.
def read_db_connection_factory(
    dsn: Annotated[str, Inject(param="APP_READ_DB_DSN")]
) -> DatabaseService:
    return DatabaseService(dsn)

from dataclasses import dataclass
from wireup import service

class ThingRepository:
    # Main db connection can be injected directly as it is registered
    # without a qualifier, this makes it the "default" implementation.
    main_db_connection: DatabaseService

    # To inject the read connection the qualifier must be specified.
    read_db_connection: Annotated[DatabaseService, Inject(qualifier="readonly")]

    def create_thing(self, ...) -> None:
        return self.main_db_connection...

    def find_by_id(self, pk: int) -> Thing:
        return self.read_db_connection...